The Live Cider Retrospective Episode!

The Live Cider Retrospective Episode!
Thanks to everyone who came out this week for the live recording of our 12th and Final Episode of the I Drink Two Beers and Try to Tell You How To Run Your Company. With that, the recording of Season 1 is officially wrapped!
Thanks also to all of our podcast sponsors: Twilio, Sendgrid, Skillshare and Gumroad, and especially to our drink sponsor for the evening, Descendant Cider!

As you can see, the cider was a hit. Thanks, Descendant Cider!
Earlier this week, we also launched Episode 1, so we also took the opportunity to give the audience a preview of the rest of Season 1.

Each episode covers a question of interest for Merit, and while we spend most of our time with Merit’s co-founders, Kirk Fernandes and Randy Brown, we also bring on a bunch of special guests. I can’t wait for y’all to hear it. (Related, I wrote a bit about who this is for here: Welcome to Season 1)

Given that, it only made sense for our final episode to be a retrospective on the entire season. Randy, Kirk and I talked about what went well, what could’ve been improved, what we learned from each other, and then took a few questions from the audience. This episode should come out in a few months, and I can’t wait for y’all to hear it.
You can listen to I Drink Two Beers and Try to Tell You How to Run Your Company via our website:, or on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play, RadioPublic, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Meet Randy Brown and Kirk Fernandes, the co-founders of Merit, our focus for Season 1.
Smash that subscribe, tell your friends and thanks for listening!
If you’d like to learn more about Merit as a learner, coach or supporter, visit or email
And, if you’d like more background on how this whole project came together, check out, Some Personal News, linked below. Thanks!

Photos of Gear